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: V I P P R O T E C T I O N G R O U P - the protective se
Отправлено admin в 15.10.09 20:34 (11311 прочитали)

T H E V I P P R O T E C T I O N G R O U P OF T H E S E C U R I T Y B U R E A U " T A L L E R " - the protective services of a new level.

In our Security Bureau we understand that each client has specific needs and unique requirements regarding personal safety and protection.
Therefore, we offer an individual approach to each client. After consultation, we program security activities, taking into consideration your individuality and the most stringent safety requirements.

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: Historic house gets CCTV security
Отправлено admin в 31.8.09 16:52 (6709 прочитали)

Historic house gets CCTV security

An historic house and gardens in Swindon are to be protected by CCTV cameras, after vandals damaged it.

Windows were broken at 18th Century Lydiard House in the incident, which happened earlier in the year.

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: Clubs, pubs ignore police CCTV register
Отправлено admin в 31.8.09 16:50 (7303 прочитали)

Clubs, pubs ignore police CCTV register

WA Police have defended a CCTV project aimed at cracking down on anti-social behaviour in licensed venues despite hardly any interest in the program from clubs or pubs throughout Perth and Fremantle.

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: CCTV to track student brawls
Отправлено admin в 1.8.09 09:03 (7665 прочитали)

Students from the YAI Persada Indonesia University and the Christian University of Indonesia (UKI), may have to think twice before getting involved in brawls again, as the police have installed CCTV cameras between the two campuses.

Rivalry between the students from the side-by-side campuses has triggered a large number of clashes since the 1990s.

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: New York City MTA to install CCTV cams in subway cars
Отправлено admin в 1.8.09 09:02 (6581 прочитали)

One train with its cars blanketed by cameras to be operational by the end of the year

traphangers will soon have a watchful eye over them as they ride the rails.

In a groundbreaking security initiative, the MTA will begin running one subway train with security cameras in every one of its cars by the end of the year, officials said yesterday. Every corner of every car will be in the cameras' view.

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