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27.3.15 08:09 | 5 Steps to Successfully Sanitize Your Water
Раздел: Survival | Автор: admin | Рейтинг: 0.00 (0) Оценить | Хитов 1503
5 Steps to Successfully Sanitize Your Water

Not sure how to sanitize your water? Follow this simple five-step method recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Add eight drops of unscented liquid household chlorine bleach for each gallon of clear water. For cloudy water, add 16 drops of bleach per gallon.

How do we clean our water if it’s contaminated? According to the World Health Organization, “Chlorine is widely available, inexpensive, easily used and effective against nearly all waterborne pathogens.”

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Here’s a method on how to sanitize water recommended by the CDC.

    Filter water through a clean cloth, paper towel or coffee filter, or allow it to settle.
    Draw off the clear water.
    Add eight drops of unscented liquid household chlorine bleach for each gallon of clear water. For cloudy water, add 16 drops of bleach per gallon.
    Stir the mixture well. Let it stand for 30 minutes or longer before use.
    Store the disinfected water in clean, disinfected containers with tight covers.

Jay Pinsky
Source: realworldsurvivor

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