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29.7.15 08:07 | American Red Cross: What to Do After an Earthquake
Раздел: Survival | Автор: admin | Рейтинг: 0.00 (0) Оценить | Хитов 1820
American Red Cross: What to Do After an Earthquake

Preparing for an earthquake is important, but so is what you do after an earthquake hits. - See more at: http://www.realworldsurvivor.com/2014/09/23/what-to-do-after-an-earthquake/#sthash.v0Xokyjt.dpuf
Preparing for an earthquake is important, but so is what you do after an earthquake hits.

The “sudden, rapid shaking of the earth caused by the breaking and shifting of rock beneath the earth’s surface” — better known as an earthquake.

Severity aside, the unpredictability of an earthquake makes the natural disaster that much more dangerous.

While rare in most areas throughout the United States, a total of 45 states and territories throughout the country are at moderate to very high risk of earthquakes, according to the American Red Cross.

Preparing for an earthquake is half the battle, but what about the aftermath of an earthquake.

Check out the tips below from the American Red Cross on what to do after an earthquake.

What to Do After an Earthquake

    After an earthquake, the disaster may continue. Expect and prepare for potential aftershocks, landslides or even a tsunami. Tsunamis are often generated by earthquakes.
    Each time you feel an aftershock, drop, cover and hold on. Aftershocks frequently occur minutes, days, weeks and even months following an earthquake.
    Check yourself for injuries and get first aid, if necessary, before helping injured or trapped persons.
    Put on long pants, a long-sleeved shirt, sturdy shoes and work gloves to protect against injury from broken objects.
    Look quickly for damage in and around your home and get everyone out if your home is unsafe.
    Listen to a portable, battery-operated or hand-crank radio for updated emergency information and instructions.
    Check the telephones in your home or workplace to see if you can get a dial tone. Make brief calls to report life-threatening emergencies.
    Look for and extinguish small fires. Fire is the most common hazard after an earthquake.
    Clean up spilled medications, bleach, gasoline or other flammable liquids immediately.
    Open closet and cabinet doors carefully as contents may have shifted.
    Help people who require special assistance, such as infants, children and the elderly or disabled.
    Watch out for fallen power lines or broken gas lines and stay out of damaged areas.
    Keep animals under your direct control.
    Stay out of damaged buildings.
    If you were away from home, return only when authorities say it is safe to do so. Use extreme caution and examine walls, floors, doors, staircases and windows to check for damage.
    Be careful when driving after an earthquake and anticipate traffic light outages.

Source: Real World Survivor

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