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27.3.15 08:12 | What to Put on Your Bug-Out Personal Carry List
Раздел: Survival | Автор: admin | Рейтинг: 0.00 (0) Оценить | Хитов 1720
What to Put on Your Bug-Out Personal Carry List

Some things might seem obvious to put on a bug-out list, but you might not have thought of everything you need. Luckily, we have!

What to Put on Your Bug-Out Personal Carry List
Some things might seem obvious to put on a bug-out list, but you might not have thought of everything you need. Luckily, we have!
by Real World Survivor Editor on Tuesday, March 17th at 1:00pm

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bug-out personal carry list SEDGE Spring 2015
Some items that should be found on your bug-out personal carry list.

In the event of a serious natural disaster or if the grid goes down, you’re going to want to prepare a bug-out carry list of things you’ll need in a pinch.

    RELATED: Sole Survivors: 12 Pieces of Bug-Out-Ready Footwear

    RELATED: 31 Essentials For Your Vehicle Bug-Out Bag

Below is a solid list of recommendations for items that will come in handy in a number of situations.

    Pack a sturdy belt.
    Primary knife in primary side pocket (never used except in conflict)
    Secondary knife in secondary side pocket (use this for utility chores)
    A lighter (one that cannot discharge in the pocket). Butane torches are best, but I’ve not found a particularly sturdy one yet.
    Primary pistol along with a spare magazine
    Secondary pistol with a spare magazine
    Cellular telephone
    Flashlight (two is better)
    A “throw-down” wallet containing a small amount of cash.
    Clothing is sturdy, as is footwear. Have layers so you can adapt to conditions. You should be able to run with what you have on.
    A real wallet (include a couple of Band-Aids). Reverse the cards so that their “titles” aren’t casually visible. Keep your CCW and driver’s license ride in interior compartments in the wallet. Tape a portion of your attorney’s business card on the back of your CCW.
    Keep a handcuff key along with the other keys on your sturdy keychain.
    If you wear prescription eyeglasses, they should darken in sunlight.

 Source: realworldsurvivor

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